I feel alone right now. I feel pathetic. I really want someone to talk to.
I think I've pin-pointed the thing that bothers me most. I feel really unimportant to others. To anyone. If I ever get a single moment where I get positive attention, I indulge. I'm paranoid when I don't need to be. I'm too afraid to be myself because I feel that people will reject me for it. I feel like I've been rejected too many times before. Maybe that's why I care so much about how I look, even though I understand the ridiculousness and superficial desire to look a certain way, I think others will value me more if I am that "beauty". I think that I'll get all the attention I want. I think people will give me more positive attention.
It seems I think this way because I truly believe I'm not enough for myself. I need to validate my worth through others' attention, reactions, or illustrations of importance. I dont think others give me enough validation.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Sunday, May 31, 2009

I have made it through a full year of honors English! I have made it through my first year of high school! I have earned amazing grades! I am proud of my accomplishments this year and I'm glad I did what I needed to to pass this year.
I want to make a shout out to all my friends at Fairfield. You all supported me and kept me going and happy. :) I will never forget the memories we made together at our last year at Fairlfied Jr. High! There is five days remaining, which means there will be five days we will have in school together before I will have to say goodbye to you all and hello to Northridge High.
I also want to thank Mr. Thompson! You made English and honors English fun as you always do. I didn't have to dread over English assignments anymore like I did last year (cough, cough, Deppe, cough). I also want to... WISH YOU A HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW! :)
I am exited for next year even though I frickin love you all and will miss you like crazy! I have a lot of opportunitys ahead of me that I didn't have berfore. I have a lot of things to look forward to and accomplish. THANKS FOR EVERYTHING!
BYE!!! :'(
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Randomness 2: Facts
I still can't think of anything to write about...
So I am going to state some random facts.
So I am going to state some random facts.
- The first candy bar was made in 1847 by Joseph Fry
- Monday is the most common day of suicides :O
- Only two people signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4 which included John Hancock and Charles Thomson
- China has more English speakers than America
- I was born in Kentucky
- The longest time spent awake was 11 days by Randy Gardner
- In Alabama, It is illegal to play dominoes on Sunday
- There isn't a word that rhymes with "month" in the English language
- John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln were both shot in the head on a Friday by a southerner.
- Your middle fingernail grows the fastest.
- In Utah, birds have the right away on highway
- The opposites of a dice cube always add up to seven
- My mom's hair is red, my sister's is dark brown, and mine is blonde.
- Women blink twice as much as men in a day
- An ostrich's eye is bigger than its' brain
- Chinese checkers wasn't a Chinese invention
- The Elephant is the only mammal with four knees
- Aglets are the plastic pieces at the end of your shoelaces
- The soda 7UP was named "7" because the original soda container was 7 ounces and "UP" because that was the direction of the bubbles
- The only face card of the kings without a mustache is the king of hearts.
- "J" is the only letter not in the Periodic Table
- A newborn Kangaroo is one inch long
- Mosquitos are attracted to the color blue
- It is said that you cannot sneeze with your eyes open...I think its possible
- Houseflys spread diseases more than any other animal
- Go is the shortest complete sentence in the english language.
- Rice paper does not contain rice
- The red spot on a 7UP can was placed there because the inventor of this fizzy drink was an albino with red eyes.
- Some lipstick contains fish scales
- Money is made of cotton, not paper
- Cat pee glows under a black light
- Dynamite contains peanuts
- I have almost licked my elbow
- If you bang your head against the wall for one hour straight, the you would of burned 150 calories!
- Right handed people live nine years longer than left handed people on average
- A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds
- You just read 36 facts
- This is my 36th blog! :)
:) Bye Bye
Saturday, May 16, 2009
I turned on the silver light. It shined brightly in my eyes. I squinted to find the switch again. I turned it off.
The small girl entered the candy shop. Her eyes were set on one thing. It sparkled in the fluorescent light as it was covered in transparent shiny plastic. Her mouth watered as she stared into the lollipop larger than her face. She struggled in her pocket for some spare change, but was found disappointed.
My sister has this friend from her high school named Derrik. HE IS THE MOST AWESOME KID EVER! He can do all these kick-butt magic tricks. One of them you have to pick a card from his stack of face cards, he has you write your name on it, Then you put the card back into the stack. He shuffles the cards several times and in some magical way, He pulls your card out of his mouth. IN another trick, he handed me ten cards. We counted them out and I put them in my back pocket. Then from the remains of the card deck, he made five cards disappear. Then I drew the cards from my pocket and found five more than I had before. Another trick he did included my sister's cell phone and a balloon. He blew up the balloon and slapped the cell phone against the surface. He did various other tricks that drive you crazy with curiosity.
That isn't the only AWESOME thing about Derrik. He is the funniest kid you will ever meet. And he is SEXY! :) hahaha
Last night I came home from my friend Mindy's house and in my room was Christen, Derrik, and Tyler. They were watching Jeepers Creepers. I watched the last twenty minutes of it. It wasn't as scary as I expected. The only thing that makes the movie scary is if you were one of the victims of Jeppers Creepers.
There is one thing that is wrong with all scary movies. They make the victims soo stupid! Such in, When A Stranger Calls, DONT ANSWER THE PHONE. Or in Jeppers Creepers, there is this part when They try to run over Jeppers Creepers with their car but he just ninja jumps over the car. Why can't they just drive away? She keeps backing up and driving forward trying to hit him but doesn't succeed until the end and he ends up coming back and becoming more angry in the first place.
I turned on the silver light. It shined brightly in my eyes. I squinted to find the switch again. I turned it off.
The small girl entered the candy shop. Her eyes were set on one thing. It sparkled in the fluorescent light as it was covered in transparent shiny plastic. Her mouth watered as she stared into the lollipop larger than her face. She struggled in her pocket for some spare change, but was found disappointed.
My sister has this friend from her high school named Derrik. HE IS THE MOST AWESOME KID EVER! He can do all these kick-butt magic tricks. One of them you have to pick a card from his stack of face cards, he has you write your name on it, Then you put the card back into the stack. He shuffles the cards several times and in some magical way, He pulls your card out of his mouth. IN another trick, he handed me ten cards. We counted them out and I put them in my back pocket. Then from the remains of the card deck, he made five cards disappear. Then I drew the cards from my pocket and found five more than I had before. Another trick he did included my sister's cell phone and a balloon. He blew up the balloon and slapped the cell phone against the surface. He did various other tricks that drive you crazy with curiosity.
That isn't the only AWESOME thing about Derrik. He is the funniest kid you will ever meet. And he is SEXY! :) hahaha
Last night I came home from my friend Mindy's house and in my room was Christen, Derrik, and Tyler. They were watching Jeepers Creepers. I watched the last twenty minutes of it. It wasn't as scary as I expected. The only thing that makes the movie scary is if you were one of the victims of Jeppers Creepers.
There is one thing that is wrong with all scary movies. They make the victims soo stupid! Such in, When A Stranger Calls, DONT ANSWER THE PHONE. Or in Jeppers Creepers, there is this part when They try to run over Jeppers Creepers with their car but he just ninja jumps over the car. Why can't they just drive away? She keeps backing up and driving forward trying to hit him but doesn't succeed until the end and he ends up coming back and becoming more angry in the first place.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
The Sky Coaster
My best friend and I walked toward the familiar amusement park last Tuesday as I took the crumbled piece of paper out of my pocket. I read, "The Get to Know You Party. Free dinner and rides." Mindy, Our friend Jenna, and I all worked at Lagoon and they were having an Employee Party. Everyone always said how much fun they were and, now, we were about to find out.
We followed the arrowed signs and they lead to a very large crowd. As we got closer, I noticed that that crowd was split up into lines. There was white tables at the end of each line and above the tables were signs with the names of work departments. Her eyes were about the same place as mine as Mindy read aloud, "Foods, Games, Merchandise, etc." We lined up behind the food line. I looked ahead to see a few familiar looking faces from our school. Quite a few ninth graders were working here this year. As we gradually got to the front of the line, a girl asked for my name and she checked it off a list. Then we were given three cards. One of the cards was a coupon to a free Icee, another was for a free prize, and the third one was for dinner. Then we were given a choice on the fourth card. Would we want to go racing on go-carts or would we want to ride the Sky Coaster? The Sky Coaster. Mindy and I had promised to each other that we were going to ride that together at least once before the end of the summer. We looked at each other and at the same time, we picked up a Sky Coaster card as Jenna followed.
A man who seemed to be a supervisor yelled out, "Hey employees, the kitchen closes earlier than everything else so you should hurry up and eat." Jenna found a group of her friends from her school and told us she would wait in line with them and we would meet up with her later. We both nodded and headed to the employee kitchen. It was crowded with people and we got in line. We both got cola which turned out to be flat, and took a bowl full of white rice and orange chicken as we threw our cards in a small box. Mindy picked a table where we sat and ate. I was surprised to find that the chicken wasn't that bad. I grabbed a packet of soy sauce and poured it on. "What should we do next?" I asked Mindy. "I think you know," she replied with a smile.
We started to head out of the cafeteria when I saw a few more familiar faces in line to get their food. "KELSEY!" I tackled her with a hug. Kayla was with her and I greeted her. "We have been screaming your name over here," Kayla said. I laughed. "I didn't hear anything." I was sort of deaf though.
We left the employee kitchen to see Jenna eating with her friends on a table outside. "We are going to go ride the Sky Coaster," Mindy informed her. She spoke of it as if it was nothing. I thought she wasn't at all afraid.
We started to head over in the direction as we looked up at the Sky Coaster. You have to put on these special jacket/vest things on, then you walk onto this platform where you are raised above the ground as you are connected to one or two other people by a small hook on your side.They rise you higher than the whole park by a wire then they tell one of you to pull a small string that lets you free fall straight down to your death when you swing back up in the other direction and keep swinging back and forth until you stop. It looks terrifying, but everyone who gets off says the same thing, "That. Was. Awesome."
"I'm so scared!" "Me Too!" We said to each other over and over. She walked past as if she wasn't interested in going on the ride with my arm hooked in hers. "Mindy, I am as terrified as you. If we don't go now, we are going to regret it for the rest of our lives. You know it." We spoke of it as If was a choice between life or death. She agreed. We both knew it was true. We walked to the back of the line. There was Jenna again walking with her friends. Mindy notified for her to come over here. "Get in line." "I'm so scared." We heard the familiar term. "So are we," I said, "but get your butt in line. You are riding this if you like it or not." She laughed but got in line with us. The scared feeling seemed to fade. I didn't have any feelings for the ride anymore. It felt as if I had to ride it. Nothing was stopping me. I was determined.
Then came Kelsey and Kayla. "We just rode the go-carts." We were getting closer and closer to the front of the line. The butterfly queasy feeling returned to my stomach. "Why didn't you choose this one?" "We are too scared." For a moment, I regretted our choice. Then I remembered my and Mindy's oath. "So am I, but I will regret it later if I don't do it." A woman asked for our tickets. We got them out of our pockets, then Jenna hesitated. "I can't find it!" she said to the woman. "I have waited in line this whole time, can I please ride it?" "No ticket, No ride," she replied. We all stared in disappointment. She sighed. "Well, I guess today is your lucky day." She opened the gate and let her through. We all smiled and laughed. They had us put on the weird vest things and got in place. Can I do this? "I am so scared right now!" I said. Kelsey and Kayla still stood by the gate. They were going to watch us ride. "Me too." Mindy said. I was shaking and I didn't know why. It was just a ride. I had to get the feeling in my stomach to vanish. I started to scream verrry loudly. People started to laugh. I laughed at myself. I was glad that I was making Jenna and Mindy feel better and I was making myself feel better too.
The guy opened the gate for us and we walked down this narrow pathway to this platform. These two guys hooked us together. "This isn't happening!" Mindy said. "Are we going to die?" Jenna asked in a daze. "Yes," the guy replied as he laughed. They began rise us towards the sky as we looked straight down at them. "No!" I said. "No!" Mindy said. "I don't wanna pull the string!" Jenna continued. We were almost to the top. Everything below began to get smaller and smaller. "Are you ready?" the intercom said. "NOOOO!" we yelled in unison. "Three.Two.One.." Jenna pulled the string. Everything flew past us and we free-fell through the sky. I was screaming my head off and Mindy continued laughing at me. We flew across to the other side where I saw Kelsey and Kayla staring up at us. "I LOVE YOU KELSEY!" I screamed. They laughed at us. We continued to swirl back and forth until we reached a halt. As we began to walk again, my feet felt weightless and we barley spoke. "How was it?" people asked.
We replied, "That. Was. Awesome."
We followed the arrowed signs and they lead to a very large crowd. As we got closer, I noticed that that crowd was split up into lines. There was white tables at the end of each line and above the tables were signs with the names of work departments. Her eyes were about the same place as mine as Mindy read aloud, "Foods, Games, Merchandise, etc." We lined up behind the food line. I looked ahead to see a few familiar looking faces from our school. Quite a few ninth graders were working here this year. As we gradually got to the front of the line, a girl asked for my name and she checked it off a list. Then we were given three cards. One of the cards was a coupon to a free Icee, another was for a free prize, and the third one was for dinner. Then we were given a choice on the fourth card. Would we want to go racing on go-carts or would we want to ride the Sky Coaster? The Sky Coaster. Mindy and I had promised to each other that we were going to ride that together at least once before the end of the summer. We looked at each other and at the same time, we picked up a Sky Coaster card as Jenna followed.
A man who seemed to be a supervisor yelled out, "Hey employees, the kitchen closes earlier than everything else so you should hurry up and eat." Jenna found a group of her friends from her school and told us she would wait in line with them and we would meet up with her later. We both nodded and headed to the employee kitchen. It was crowded with people and we got in line. We both got cola which turned out to be flat, and took a bowl full of white rice and orange chicken as we threw our cards in a small box. Mindy picked a table where we sat and ate. I was surprised to find that the chicken wasn't that bad. I grabbed a packet of soy sauce and poured it on. "What should we do next?" I asked Mindy. "I think you know," she replied with a smile.
We started to head out of the cafeteria when I saw a few more familiar faces in line to get their food. "KELSEY!" I tackled her with a hug. Kayla was with her and I greeted her. "We have been screaming your name over here," Kayla said. I laughed. "I didn't hear anything." I was sort of deaf though.
We left the employee kitchen to see Jenna eating with her friends on a table outside. "We are going to go ride the Sky Coaster," Mindy informed her. She spoke of it as if it was nothing. I thought she wasn't at all afraid.
We started to head over in the direction as we looked up at the Sky Coaster. You have to put on these special jacket/vest things on, then you walk onto this platform where you are raised above the ground as you are connected to one or two other people by a small hook on your side.They rise you higher than the whole park by a wire then they tell one of you to pull a small string that lets you free fall straight down to your death when you swing back up in the other direction and keep swinging back and forth until you stop. It looks terrifying, but everyone who gets off says the same thing, "That. Was. Awesome."
"I'm so scared!" "Me Too!" We said to each other over and over. She walked past as if she wasn't interested in going on the ride with my arm hooked in hers. "Mindy, I am as terrified as you. If we don't go now, we are going to regret it for the rest of our lives. You know it." We spoke of it as If was a choice between life or death. She agreed. We both knew it was true. We walked to the back of the line. There was Jenna again walking with her friends. Mindy notified for her to come over here. "Get in line." "I'm so scared." We heard the familiar term. "So are we," I said, "but get your butt in line. You are riding this if you like it or not." She laughed but got in line with us. The scared feeling seemed to fade. I didn't have any feelings for the ride anymore. It felt as if I had to ride it. Nothing was stopping me. I was determined.
Then came Kelsey and Kayla. "We just rode the go-carts." We were getting closer and closer to the front of the line. The butterfly queasy feeling returned to my stomach. "Why didn't you choose this one?" "We are too scared." For a moment, I regretted our choice. Then I remembered my and Mindy's oath. "So am I, but I will regret it later if I don't do it." A woman asked for our tickets. We got them out of our pockets, then Jenna hesitated. "I can't find it!" she said to the woman. "I have waited in line this whole time, can I please ride it?" "No ticket, No ride," she replied. We all stared in disappointment. She sighed. "Well, I guess today is your lucky day." She opened the gate and let her through. We all smiled and laughed. They had us put on the weird vest things and got in place. Can I do this? "I am so scared right now!" I said. Kelsey and Kayla still stood by the gate. They were going to watch us ride. "Me too." Mindy said. I was shaking and I didn't know why. It was just a ride. I had to get the feeling in my stomach to vanish. I started to scream verrry loudly. People started to laugh. I laughed at myself. I was glad that I was making Jenna and Mindy feel better and I was making myself feel better too.
The guy opened the gate for us and we walked down this narrow pathway to this platform. These two guys hooked us together. "This isn't happening!" Mindy said. "Are we going to die?" Jenna asked in a daze. "Yes," the guy replied as he laughed. They began rise us towards the sky as we looked straight down at them. "No!" I said. "No!" Mindy said. "I don't wanna pull the string!" Jenna continued. We were almost to the top. Everything below began to get smaller and smaller. "Are you ready?" the intercom said. "NOOOO!" we yelled in unison. "Three.Two.One.." Jenna pulled the string. Everything flew past us and we free-fell through the sky. I was screaming my head off and Mindy continued laughing at me. We flew across to the other side where I saw Kelsey and Kayla staring up at us. "I LOVE YOU KELSEY!" I screamed. They laughed at us. We continued to swirl back and forth until we reached a halt. As we began to walk again, my feet felt weightless and we barley spoke. "How was it?" people asked.
We replied, "That. Was. Awesome."
Sunday, May 3, 2009
My First Day
Today was my first day of work.
Lets just say, it had its ups and downs. :)
I actually managed to look less than half of an idiot on my first day of work at Lagoon wearing my tight tan pants, muddy converse, wrinkled green t-shirt, ugly hat, and (for once) neat apron. Today, I would be working around six hours. The man at the front desk of the foods office greeted me and sent me off to the station I would be temporary be working at for today. He had told me the food stands I would be working at were next to the Carousel ride, and that the door was off to the side.
I always find that when I am searching for something important, such as the door in plain sight that led into the area I would be working today, I seem to go blank and cannot point out the obvious. I circled the building once, and I tried to get into the building from the back. The door was locked. I walked to the front again and I peered through the window you order and purchase you food to see a manager in their usual dark blue shirts helping a boy work the cash register. It looked like it was his first day of work as well. I went up and asked her how I could actually enter the building so I could start working. She pointed out the obvious door that was about ten feet from where I was standing. Wow. I AM a genius. The boy she was helping tried his best not to laugh and in the mean time, I hurried inside before he did. I found my way to the manager who took me to sign up sheet where I kept track of my breaks and hours and where I would be working.
She then took me to the most luckiest place I could of worked, with the laughing boy. The section we worked in served Mexican food. She showed me the cash register and I handled it like a professional. My self esteem hired ten points when the boy looked impressed. The manager acted, however, as if it wasn't a big accomplishment. I didn't expect her to because she had probably been working there for around six years.
Finally, We got to learn the funnest part of working in the food division at Lagoon, the cooking. It doesn't necessarily take a rocket scientist to prepare the processed food, but it really entertained me. I was surprised how much fun I had when we tried cooking after she demonstrated the correct way.
The work day started out slow. There was barley any customers and it was too early in the morning for any of my friends to text me. I thought the whole day was going to end up like this. The boy and I talked for a while and he seems like a pretty nice guy. As the day aged and the rain filled clouds faded, Lagoon became more busier that I would have expected. The boy and I traded off the cooking stand. I had fun with everything: the cash register, the cooking, and talking to people.
There was only two things I despised so far. One thing was when you didn't have any customers, and the second was the irritating plastic gloves you had to wear and change after each order.
After I got back to my break, the manager assigned me to an Icee selling place across from the main building. It was a small building about 1/4 the size of my amazingly large bedroom. The manager showed me how to make churros, pretzels, and Icees of course. She seemed afraid to leave me alone. She didn't think I could handle the stand all by myself. I was on her side in a way, but a part of me wanted to prove us wrong.
I began to despise the Icee building. The heat of the sun blazed down on the small building and It took the effect of an oven. There was a fan in the the room. What a way to make my day the best! Wait, it was broken. I would of stuck my head under the Icee faucet and started chugging that think until nothing was left, but the manager came in and checked on me without notice.
There was yet another thing that made my day the greatest! There was two metal box-like ovens. One of the boxes had a metal drawer that came out that you would place the churros on Then, you needed to wait seven minutes until they were golden brown before you covered them in mouth watering cinnamon (are you hungry yet?). The other machine had a chain like device such as the ones that are on bicycles, except much thicker. You are supposed to set your salt covered pretzel on the side that faces up, and it would turn until it would fall off the spinning device into a metal container where it would be removed and served. In between the two machines was a cinnamon container where you would coat the churros and a salt container where you would coat the pretzels. I sat there, no wait, STOOD there coating one of the fresh churros when my arm hit the side of the machine and my arm immediately pulled back as I felt a sharp pain on the side of my arm. My arm felt as if a wasp had stung me twenty times in the same spot. I ran across the room,which didn't take long, turned up the sink as hight as possible, and shoved my arm under the facet for the cold satisfaction.
There are two more things I hate about Lagoon. I hate the heat of the sun and the heat of the oven.
Ok, Ok. I am going to stop sounding like a pathetic wining child and describe the great things that happened today.
Well first, as you already know, cooking today was a blast. I got to learn how to make a LAGOON burrito, soft taco, hard taco, nacho supreme, churro, and pretzel. I thought I would be starving the whole time as I dealt with food, but I was having too much fun making it to notice how good it might of tasted.
The next great thing was when you take your half an hour breaks. The Employee Kitchen had really tasty food, believe it or not. The best part, you get to sit down! My legs are soo sore from standing for five hours and If it wasn't for the two breaks I was graciously rewarded, I wouldn't of been able to make it through the first day.
The next ACTUAL best experience of the day, was when I walked out of the office checking out my time card. It was pouring rain. The cool rain drops felt good on my warm skin regardless of how much the temperature dropped. Another plus: I finally finished walking up the sidewalk that leads to the front of Lagoon's parking lot when I turned around. A large rainbow filled the sky. It was quite coincidental overall. I was sore and was getting annoyed by the rain when everything stopped and the sun came shining out. A rainbow stretched across only Lagoon itself.
If this keeps up, I might be able to handle this summer. :)
Lets just say, it had its ups and downs. :)
I actually managed to look less than half of an idiot on my first day of work at Lagoon wearing my tight tan pants, muddy converse, wrinkled green t-shirt, ugly hat, and (for once) neat apron. Today, I would be working around six hours. The man at the front desk of the foods office greeted me and sent me off to the station I would be temporary be working at for today. He had told me the food stands I would be working at were next to the Carousel ride, and that the door was off to the side.
I always find that when I am searching for something important, such as the door in plain sight that led into the area I would be working today, I seem to go blank and cannot point out the obvious. I circled the building once, and I tried to get into the building from the back. The door was locked. I walked to the front again and I peered through the window you order and purchase you food to see a manager in their usual dark blue shirts helping a boy work the cash register. It looked like it was his first day of work as well. I went up and asked her how I could actually enter the building so I could start working. She pointed out the obvious door that was about ten feet from where I was standing. Wow. I AM a genius. The boy she was helping tried his best not to laugh and in the mean time, I hurried inside before he did. I found my way to the manager who took me to sign up sheet where I kept track of my breaks and hours and where I would be working.
She then took me to the most luckiest place I could of worked, with the laughing boy. The section we worked in served Mexican food. She showed me the cash register and I handled it like a professional. My self esteem hired ten points when the boy looked impressed. The manager acted, however, as if it wasn't a big accomplishment. I didn't expect her to because she had probably been working there for around six years.
Finally, We got to learn the funnest part of working in the food division at Lagoon, the cooking. It doesn't necessarily take a rocket scientist to prepare the processed food, but it really entertained me. I was surprised how much fun I had when we tried cooking after she demonstrated the correct way.
The work day started out slow. There was barley any customers and it was too early in the morning for any of my friends to text me. I thought the whole day was going to end up like this. The boy and I talked for a while and he seems like a pretty nice guy. As the day aged and the rain filled clouds faded, Lagoon became more busier that I would have expected. The boy and I traded off the cooking stand. I had fun with everything: the cash register, the cooking, and talking to people.
There was only two things I despised so far. One thing was when you didn't have any customers, and the second was the irritating plastic gloves you had to wear and change after each order.
After I got back to my break, the manager assigned me to an Icee selling place across from the main building. It was a small building about 1/4 the size of my amazingly large bedroom. The manager showed me how to make churros, pretzels, and Icees of course. She seemed afraid to leave me alone. She didn't think I could handle the stand all by myself. I was on her side in a way, but a part of me wanted to prove us wrong.
I began to despise the Icee building. The heat of the sun blazed down on the small building and It took the effect of an oven. There was a fan in the the room. What a way to make my day the best! Wait, it was broken. I would of stuck my head under the Icee faucet and started chugging that think until nothing was left, but the manager came in and checked on me without notice.
There was yet another thing that made my day the greatest! There was two metal box-like ovens. One of the boxes had a metal drawer that came out that you would place the churros on Then, you needed to wait seven minutes until they were golden brown before you covered them in mouth watering cinnamon (are you hungry yet?). The other machine had a chain like device such as the ones that are on bicycles, except much thicker. You are supposed to set your salt covered pretzel on the side that faces up, and it would turn until it would fall off the spinning device into a metal container where it would be removed and served. In between the two machines was a cinnamon container where you would coat the churros and a salt container where you would coat the pretzels. I sat there, no wait, STOOD there coating one of the fresh churros when my arm hit the side of the machine and my arm immediately pulled back as I felt a sharp pain on the side of my arm. My arm felt as if a wasp had stung me twenty times in the same spot. I ran across the room,which didn't take long, turned up the sink as hight as possible, and shoved my arm under the facet for the cold satisfaction.
There are two more things I hate about Lagoon. I hate the heat of the sun and the heat of the oven.
Ok, Ok. I am going to stop sounding like a pathetic wining child and describe the great things that happened today.
Well first, as you already know, cooking today was a blast. I got to learn how to make a LAGOON burrito, soft taco, hard taco, nacho supreme, churro, and pretzel. I thought I would be starving the whole time as I dealt with food, but I was having too much fun making it to notice how good it might of tasted.
The next great thing was when you take your half an hour breaks. The Employee Kitchen had really tasty food, believe it or not. The best part, you get to sit down! My legs are soo sore from standing for five hours and If it wasn't for the two breaks I was graciously rewarded, I wouldn't of been able to make it through the first day.
The next ACTUAL best experience of the day, was when I walked out of the office checking out my time card. It was pouring rain. The cool rain drops felt good on my warm skin regardless of how much the temperature dropped. Another plus: I finally finished walking up the sidewalk that leads to the front of Lagoon's parking lot when I turned around. A large rainbow filled the sky. It was quite coincidental overall. I was sore and was getting annoyed by the rain when everything stopped and the sun came shining out. A rainbow stretched across only Lagoon itself.
If this keeps up, I might be able to handle this summer. :)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
What can Saliva do?
In science class, we have to do termly magazine reviews. You have to find a magazine article based on anything in science, and write an essay about it. Today when I was typing my report, the article I found was quite interesting to me. It describes how saliva can effect wounds. My essay below is based off the actual article by Karen Wright. It is in order in paragraphs: introduction, summary, opinion, supporting opinion, and conclusion. I hope you enjoy!
Why Wound-Licking Works
Article written by: Karen Wright
Summary below written by: Mieko
You accidentally slide your finger on a sharp corner. Before you know it, your thumb has blood spilling out the side and a pierce of pain shoots through your finger. You squeeze your finger in agony and you desperately run it under some hot water as you look for a band-aid to wrap it in. Would the thought ever run through your mind to lick the wound better? Why would you want to?
According to scientists, your human saliva has healing ability. In the past, it has always been suspected that saliva may be able to heal wounds because any cuts or sores in the mouth heal the quickest and rarely leave scars. Your saliva has simple proteins called histatins that can get rid of and heal infections. Biochemist Menno Oudhoff discovered that histatins have an element in them that closes the skin wound preventing it from any more exposure from infecting bacteria as well. They tested the theory on a needle scratch with the histatins, and the wound healed twice as quicker as it normally would.
I am fascinated by the discovery of the Dutch scientists. I think that this discovery can help greatly for people all over the world. This piece of information is very valuable. The only problem I find is, If you were to actually lick your open wound, wouldn’t you be opening your tongue to the bacterial that infected the wound itself? Are you not supposed to actually lick your skin but just get some of your saliva and apply it to the wound?
Lets say, that you cut your finger across a sharp corner such as in my introduction example. This break through could help in my opinion because you are killing the infection. If you use your saliva, you are closing the wound up so no more bacteria can affect it and you are also making it heal twice as fast as normal. I also have some doubts about this idea. If you literally lick your wound, won’t you be infecting your tongue itself by putting the bacteria from the wound, on your tongue?
So as you can see, saliva is more useful than most people would expect. It can heal wounds at great speed and can help people all over the world. I think I will personally try this scientific break though out myself. How can you put this plan in action? Next time you get a paper cut, lick it better.
Why Wound-Licking Works
Article written by: Karen Wright
Summary below written by: Mieko
You accidentally slide your finger on a sharp corner. Before you know it, your thumb has blood spilling out the side and a pierce of pain shoots through your finger. You squeeze your finger in agony and you desperately run it under some hot water as you look for a band-aid to wrap it in. Would the thought ever run through your mind to lick the wound better? Why would you want to?
According to scientists, your human saliva has healing ability. In the past, it has always been suspected that saliva may be able to heal wounds because any cuts or sores in the mouth heal the quickest and rarely leave scars. Your saliva has simple proteins called histatins that can get rid of and heal infections. Biochemist Menno Oudhoff discovered that histatins have an element in them that closes the skin wound preventing it from any more exposure from infecting bacteria as well. They tested the theory on a needle scratch with the histatins, and the wound healed twice as quicker as it normally would.
I am fascinated by the discovery of the Dutch scientists. I think that this discovery can help greatly for people all over the world. This piece of information is very valuable. The only problem I find is, If you were to actually lick your open wound, wouldn’t you be opening your tongue to the bacterial that infected the wound itself? Are you not supposed to actually lick your skin but just get some of your saliva and apply it to the wound?
Lets say, that you cut your finger across a sharp corner such as in my introduction example. This break through could help in my opinion because you are killing the infection. If you use your saliva, you are closing the wound up so no more bacteria can affect it and you are also making it heal twice as fast as normal. I also have some doubts about this idea. If you literally lick your wound, won’t you be infecting your tongue itself by putting the bacteria from the wound, on your tongue?
So as you can see, saliva is more useful than most people would expect. It can heal wounds at great speed and can help people all over the world. I think I will personally try this scientific break though out myself. How can you put this plan in action? Next time you get a paper cut, lick it better.
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