Monday, October 27, 2008

The Count of Monte Cristo

Ok! I knew the end of the term was comming close so I needed to catch up on our reading assignment. So, over this last weekend, I finished the rest of our reading assingment for honors english. I read 260 pages! I took the test too and I got nineteen out of twenty! I was so proud. I was really nevous about taking the test because most of the time, I am horrible at online quizes. Surprisingly, during the whole time I read the book over the weekend, I never really got bored. I have to say, I really did like it too. Sure, the ending is kind of sad and twisted in a way, but overall, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. It is full of romance, exitment, and revenge. I cant wait to see if we will get another great book next term. I swear, that if Thompson is reading this, that I promise i am not sucking up to you. I think I am going to start reading more of Alexander Dumas's books. They are quite intertaining and not what you expect. I love those kinds of books and look for them often. I hate when you watch a book or a movie, and the ending is totally ovious. Dont you? It drives me crazy. For instance, I love the movie- The Illusionist- because it makes you think and you dont know what to expect. This might sound wierd but I love to have to actually use my brain when I am reading a book or watching a movie. To Edmond Dantes!

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