Here she is! :)

A few days ago, my sister and my mom picked me up from school like any other day. This day there was something unique happening that I wasn't aware of, however. "Where are we going?" I asked as we started to head the opposite direction from home in our little, white car. My mother turned to my sister and asked,"Should we tell her?" "I will," my sister replied. "Kenzie, we are taking you to West Valley." "What are we doing there?" I asked. "We hired a hitman to come and murder you and we are taking you to thier house and dropping you off." My mother and I started laughing and she pulled in to McDonalds and I got a snack. "You think I'm kidding?" she asked with a serious tone. "You better be," my mom said as we continued driving and I munched on my cheeseburger. "Do you want to tell her the REAL reason?" my mom asked my sister again. "MOM! You are horrible at surprises. Just let her try to figure it out for herself!" Suddenly, my mom's phone started ringing. She pulled it out of her pocket and flipped it open. "Hello?" "Yes, yes. I looked up your address on Google Map and I've got cash." "Bye." she flipped it closed. "So you are buying something!" I stated. "What do you think it is?" my sister asked. I tried many guesses and they said I wasn't even close. I didn't care. I love surprises.
We reached West Valley and my mom couldn't find the house with the, "Merchandise," we were purchasing. She asked for directions from two or three different people and we finally found the house. This woman came outside her front door and looked at us with a grin. "Is that my assasin?" I asked. "How did you know?" Christen asked. We opened her gate and walked into her lawn. There I saw a grown doxin that was running around the lawn. "OH MY GOSH! We are not getting a dog are we?" "Not yet." my sister replied with a smile on her face. "The puppies are in here." The woman said. I was shocked. I knew my sister wanted a doxin but I had no idea that we were actually going to get one! We walked into the living room and there was a box in the center of the room filled with blankets. I peered inside and I saw three tiny little puppies. They were so cute! "They are four weeks old." the woman told us. My mom introduced us. "Do you like them?" she asked me. My eyes twinkled. "Yes!" They took the puppies out of the box and they were so sweet and playful. There was three pups, one boy and two girls. My mother had her eye on a particular one. "Which one is your favorite?" my mother asked Christen and I. We both agreed on one of the girls who was especially sweet and adorable. We chatted with the owner for a while and she let out thier mother. The mother was as sweet or even sweeter then her pups. My mother pruswaded the owner to sell us the puppy right away. She handed her three hundred big bucks and we wrapped our baby in a blanket and headed to get some greek food.
"Your father is going to kill us," our mother said. My dad was on a business trip and often when we was gone, we would add another member to our family. It made him angry. We have gotten practically all of our pets without his permision because we know he would say no. We always make him give in. :)
We kept discussing names on the way to the restaraunt and on the way home. We all finally agreed on the name Roxy! It fit her personality so well. We have had her for two days now and love every single thing about her.
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